infiltrating the coca cola happiness factory

Saturday, January 3, 2009 | |

this is a holographic map of the coke bottling plants and their racially diverse employees. the coca cola museum was one of the most strange and eerie places i've ever been- whoever said the recent lack of worthwhile contemporary art was due to all the talent and craziness going to marketing and public relations was right. after the 4d movie about how coke is a part of humanity i felt a little sick, but then again, it could have been the 64 international flavors of coke products i sampled. and the woman next to us just kept exclaiming, "so fabulous, so fabulous." i was almost moved, but by what i have no idea


Anonymous said...

hahaha! perfect and grotesque on so many levels...

Anonymous said...

excellent. i knew a trip to the coke factory would be perfect.


rose said...

oooh gross! i can only agree with annalise, as always. ps. i miss you desperately. expect a fun package waiting for you.

real but not live
