i am too happy and domestic to ever write a mystery

Monday, February 23, 2009 | |

these are my grocery store daffodils
these are my grocery store daffodils

this is my massachusetts
this is my massachusetts

this is our pet pig, who is sick
this is our pet pig, who is sick

this is our windowbull
this is our windowbull

this is the room we reserved for love
this is the room we reserved for love

this was the woman she found in a book
this was the woman she found in a book

this is where my annalise lives
this is where my annalise lives

this is where we keep the undercouch secrets
this is where we keep the undercouch secrets

these are homonyms
these are homonyms

this is our bookcase built without a hammer
this is our bookcase built without a hammer

this is our cookbook shelf
this is our cookbook shelf

these are our security and happiness guardians
these are our security guards and happiness guardians

these are my feet and my photographs
these are my feet and my photographs

these are dead plants jealously sitting next to a living plant
these are dead plants jealously sitting next to a living plant

i was supposed to have already written a mystery for my class, by midnight last night, and my problem is that i am too content. how do i put that in an note-excuse?

sorry my assignment is late, i couldn't muster the pain.

i am still trying and this is probably going to fail. i need to just do it. i was watching out the window all last night for crime to happen. nothing. just that note on the Gothamist that someone got shot outside the cozy soup-and-burger a few weeks ago, nothing more nothing more.

who am i kidding, what do i know about shots fired. or even burgers.


real but not live
