summer began for me today

Friday, June 26, 2009 | |

cara, visiting us from the district of columbia. manhattan june 2009

new york just you walk around and it insults you like you're nothing you're gonna die and then you're going to have to leave.


a man of fiction reads the bible

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 | |

is it nothing to you, all you who pass by
long island railroad at sunrise, ?, 2008

ripe youth

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 | |

valentines day
valentines day, manhattan 2009

this is exactly how i feel right now


Monday, June 22, 2009 | |


matthew, nantucket massachusetts. june 2008

how has it already been a whole year since this exact moment

the world outside new york city, here i come

funeral bouquet

Sunday, June 21, 2009 | |

nantucket, massachusetts. july 2008

two girls from faraway states descended on us like a blessing from God and now one of them is sleeping on our couch. the two girls i've been missing most lately falling from their coach buses as if it was unimportant, as if it didn't make my summer

oh you two, the rain today was so good because of you

a certain street in another state

Thursday, June 18, 2009 | |

nantucket, massachusetts. june 2008

i'll never be able to escape being from massachusetts. i was born there and began these last two decades there. i began there.

i will be a shrine to what i love.

on my street in manhattan there are leaves, the same exact leaves as in town on nantucket and when it's just sunny and still enough it becomes so fragrant exactly like the last twenty summers of my life

i'm getting a bit homesick and it makes me so happy
that i have a home

bicycle love

Friday, June 12, 2009 | |

bicycle love
nantucket, massachusetts june 2008.

i've got me a bicycle crush and it's got me giddy

everything there's no room for on the form

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 | |

brooklyn flea
brooklyn flea, may 2009

most of what i've been savoring are the kinds of things you leave out the second time you tell a story, it's better this way, i'm quieter in general

city's getting friendly again

Tuesday, June 2, 2009 | |

cara & brian
cara & brian, tompkins square park. may 2009

take down all the hems from your clothes, you're taller now

Monday, June 1, 2009 | |

ms cara earflowers
ms cara earflowers. hare krishna celebration in manhattan may 2009

happy june

real but not live
